Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Coral Nails and a mini haul

Ok, so by mini haul I actually meant tiny. I was out with my mum today and she wanted to pop into the M&S sale, and that's where I picked up these few little things. 

First up, some more PJs. I already have these in the same design but a different colour, the top's a bit snug, but the bottoms are so so comfy and as they were only £6 I thought I might as well get them. 

PJs £9.50 - £6.00

They also had a few bits and pieces from the beauty section reduced. I've seen this nail polish in there during the summer and thought how nice it was. It's got a subtle shimmer that seems to reflect the light. 
Shade 'Lilac' £3.50 - £2.00

I had a few other polishes in my hand too and was just deciding which ones to get when I saw this little set which made my mind up for me. 
'Cappuccino', 'Leaf' and 'Dark Coral' Minis Set. £6.00 - £3.00

And here are my nails that I did when I got home today, using the coral colour from the set. 

So that's my little haul, nothing that exciting but I'm quite happy with what I got for just £11!

Lauren x 


  1. oohhh I like the PJs, I went into Sainsburys the other day and they had some nice ones but were pretty expensive I thought so I left them. These look really cosy though :) Let us know whether the nail varnish lasts long or not!

    Lauren x

  2. The nail varnish is lasting well, I think it's quite good quality. I had some PJs from Sainsburys a few years back and they shrank!


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