Sunday 7 October 2012

Sunday Summary 7/10/2012

Hello lovelies, 

Hope you've all been having a good week. Mine was so so. Not much to shout home about really. I've found myself wondering this evening why I even do a 'Sunday Summary' when I don't particularly have a lot to report about my week. I've concluded that the minute I stop doing SS's I'm bound to have something amazing to say and therefore I'll ramble on.  

So, this week? Well it involved most of the things I usually get up to; going on various dog walks, volunteering at the charity shop, doing my nan's cleaning. It's not ground breaking stuff to be honest! I finally saw the last ever Harry Potter film last night (yes I spent my saturday night watching HP), and have lazed around today watching last night's X Factor and am now about to watch tonight's, followed by Downton, followed by Friday Night Dinner.  By the way, if you haven't seen FND before, tonight is the start of the second series and I really recommend giving it a watch if you like comedy. 

This sums up my weekend:

Lauren x 


  1. haha love that sort of photo qute thing! :)

    ok so I normally NEVER do this kind of thing (because it usually pisses people off) buuuuuut could you do me a massive favour and vote for me by liking this photo in this photo competiton

    I'd appreciate it a LOT! :D

  2. I just randomly looked a few of your old posts (actually, it's something that I do quite often on your blog haha) and obviously came across this one. :p
    Anyway, I just wanted to say that due to you, I tried watching FND. I am now hooked. So thank you very much. :)


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